Thursday, February 26, 2009

Growing growing!!

Dr Kotula will see you now....

In just a few short months my big girl will be a Kindergartener! I can't believe it! One more summer and then all day school! She read her first sentence without help this week and on Monday she flies to see all the Grandmas and Grandpas and Aunts and Uncles and Cousins in Czech, with her Daddy. Such big girl adventures!

'lide 'lide ( slide slide)

Hannah loves being outdoors. She is going to want to live at the park this summer. So many slides, so little time! I put the pics in backward, scroll from the bottom pic up and you'll get the whole 'lide!

A Seahorse!!

Yes! I drew that Seahorse, be amazed!

Rachel recently graduated from Pike to Seahorse in swimming class. As a parent it causes no end of pride to see your baby excel in something that she loves. To graduate Rachel had to jump into the water that was over her head, surface and then float on her back. This is quite a feat for our non adventurer. I am so thankful for Miss Karen her instructor, who dosen't let Rachel's timidness hold her back from challenging Rachel. Rachel become more confident and daring in Karen's class, what a wonderful thing!

Thursday, February 12, 2009

The many faces of Rachel


As January 1st approached I took stock of this ol' housewifes priorities and was dimayed to find that dishes and laundry had trumped my family. It is my endevor to make more time for the simple things like building stuff, and reading together.


My Goodness, how long has it been? A long time! Since my last post i've been in a much better mood, and even got older HA HA!