Saturday, July 4, 2009


NOTE!! I couldn't get the captions to match the pictures!!!

Crazy girls on July 4th overload!

The Master of Fireworks Display and all around Pyro. ( meaning Richard)

Although they kept saying " More Fireworks! More Fireworks" I had a sneaking feeling that they were both unsure of their personal safety. Rachel plugged her ears and Hannah hid in the playhouse, ready to take cover at a moments notice.

Happy Birthday U.S.A

Rachel's 4th

Thoughts on July 4th by Rachel Kotula : Happy Birthday USA. The things I liked most at the parade were, candy , balloons, clowns and the pic nic afterward with Hannah and Mom. Tonight we are going to have fire works. My favorite kind of firework is the sparkly kind.

A 2 year old goes to the July 4th Parade

If you become jealous of me and my out of this world adorable 2 year old after seeing these pictures, thats your problem.