Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Rachel's Guidelines for the Perfect Manicure Jan 30 2008

1. To prepare for your polish and shine trim your nails on both your hands and feet, remember to yelp "ouch" whether it hurts or not at each clip of the trimmers
2. Always pick the most obnoxious shade of pink in the closet, that way people far away will be able to see your pretty pretties
3.It is not important to stay still while getting your nails polished, thats mom's problem,
4.Wimper each time the polish misses your nail and gets on your skin
5. After the polishing is complete wiggle your hands to dry them, and your toes too ( for further instruction on wiggling see Hannah ( the Banana)
6.If you mom happens to leave the room during drying eat something like Goldfish, it makes your nails textured and MULTI COLORED!!


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