Thursday, May 1, 2008

Happy Birthday Uncle Tator

Today is Uncle Taylor's 12th birthday! I was thinking back this morning during my run , remembering the adventure that was the big day.
We all got up that morning and and got ready for school. I don't remember Mom being any different, but my mom is pretty cool about such things, and being a mom myself now, I understand! We had breakfast. It was after breakfast that I first got the feeling that something was up. I asked Dad about it and he said for me to just go to school and they would have someone come and get me if things started happening. I actually got on the bus and into my seat before Dad come bolting out of the house to get me off the bus! It was the big day!!!! I went back inside expecting mayhem, but there was mom, picking out toys for Erin and Dane and asking me to load everything in the car. She actually made a point to make sure I had homework to do, and asked that I call the school to make sure I didn't fall behind for that day!!! We all loaded in to the Mallenium Falcon and made our way to the hospital.
At the hospital we Patterson kids proceeded to spread ourselves and our stuff all over the waiting room. We waited and waited and waited. Then, there was Dad with Taylor! He was such a proud Papa! Erin and I got to help with the first bath and the first diaper ( I won't go into detail, you need to ask Taylor about this part). It was a GOOD day!
Its so fun for my girls to have a young Uncle. We love Uncle Taylor very much and wish him many more birthdays!

As a side note: at this very moment my sister is going to the hospital because of "labor like" feelings. Another May birthday? Well, we'll see!

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