Wednesday, March 26, 2008

The Little Mermaid

This last month Rachel has been enjoying swim lessons at the YMCA. It is her first time in the pool with out Mom there. Emotionally taxing at first for Mom, but no problem for our little mermaid. She loves her teacher, Miss Tara, and her new friend Jessica.
She and Jessica like to tickle each other when they are supposed
to be listening. We have tried to wave at them both through the
viewing window to pay attention.They, however, know we are not
in control and continue with their tickling and giggling and general girliness. It really is cute! I for one have decided to not be the parent waving scoldingly through the window, they are Miss
Tara's problem on Monday from 10:10-10:40 am. Ah sweet release!

Here Rachel conquers an unruly yellow noodle. Those things can
be very vicious!

And finally, hooray for Miss Tara! The secret to girliness control, bring in the boys! YUCKY!!!!!

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