Monday, March 10, 2008


A Normal Monday, hmmmmm............
In the last 4 or maybe I should say 7 years "normal" has changed! Long ago mondays were filled with rushing to college classes or eating a leisurely breakfast with friends, sipping still hot mugs of coffee. Normalcy included never forgetting to brush my teeth, or wear deoderant, apply makeup, regularily trim my nails. Even on the most stressfilled days time could always be found to take a bath and read a book.
Welcome to the New Normal............
A dream come true husband, a sweet Rachel, a joyful Hannah. These are my new normal. Packing lunches, getting breakfast ready, making eggs and toast when ceral has gotten boring. Helping someone with verses for Cubbies or reading a book for the 100th time. Kisses goodbye, a longing look, a husband off to work. Brushing someone elses teeth, sharing my "good smelly " lotion, showing how to apply lip gloss and painting little, wiggly nails. Dancing to the Donut man, playing hide and seek and tag. Talking to Jesus who lives in my heart and is even now preparing a place for me, because I am his princess.
Who is that girl in the pictures from so long ago? That girl sipping that steaming coffee? Well, thats me of course! Only now I am "normal" .
Praise the Lord for cold coffee and a life filled to running over!

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