Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Advent Days 1 &2

Ah, my camera lovin' 4 year old

Here is my big girl feeling very spiffy about doing big girl things.

Hannah sneaks the chocolate

The First day of Advent we worked with chocolate kisses. Hannah went crazy and was stealing kisses left and right. I know that she ate at least 6 kisses, but there were probably more. She even bit through the plastic wrap of my example craft to get at the chocolate. Needless to say this craft was not 1 year old friendly. The big girls had fun though.
The second day we painted sugar cones with green frosting and decorated them with mini m and m's for lights. Our very own, delicious, christmas tree. Hannah had so much fun. It was a relief after day 1. She loved putting the m and m's on her tree, she kept sneaking peeks at the big girls and copying what they were doing.

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