Thursday, June 18, 2009

Potty Training

Rachel: " Mom, the baby won't go pee pee"
Hannah : " POOP POOP"
Me: " Well Rachel, you have to be patient about potty training"
Rachel: "Moooom! She still won't go pee pee, i've given her like 3 bottles now!"
Hannah: " POOP POOP"
Me: " Why don't you wrap her up and let her relax, then she'll pee pee"
Rachel: (frustrated) " Oh! OK..."
a few minutes goes by..........
Rachel: " MOM!!! She pee pee'd !"
Hannah: " POOP POOP"
Rachel: " Mom! I can spell POOP, it has a P at the beginning and at the end and two O's for the OO sound in the middle!"
Me: " Excellent!"

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