Friday, September 26, 2008

Crafty Fallishness

Fresh Shoes

yesterday i looked for at least an hour for Hannah's shoes, got thirsty, good thing..........

the Rachassic Period

the Rachassic Prehistoric Period was a vicious time to be a herbavoire. It was survival of the fittest. The main predator Hannahsaurus showed no mercy when chasing her victums in what has become known as the "slide attack method".

Thursday, September 25, 2008

The next generation of beauties!

How weird is this?!?!?! Seems like just yesterday that Erin and I were playing run away kids in the woods and swimming in Long Lake, and running around Honey Rock. I must say that I never imagined our kid pictures looking this way. I am 5 years older than any of my siblings and thought that it would be at least 9 or 10 years before everyone else got going. What a happy thing that my sister and I get to share Mom stuff! Hannah my youngest is almost exactly 1 year older than Noel, Erins little one. How exciting, and encouraging and awesome!

I would also like to note the wonderful smile on Rachel's face. She hardly ever smiles nice for a picture. Its always some funky face or hand pose. She looks truely happpy. ( I know its cause she an her Aunt Erin are "kindred spirits").

Some Thoughts

Romans 12
1 And so, dear brothers and sisters,[a] I plead with you to give your bodies to God because of all he has done for you. Let them be a living and holy sacrifice—the kind he will find acceptable. This is truly the way to worship him.[b] 2 Don’t copy the behavior and customs of this world, but let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think. Then you will learn to know God’s will for you, which is good and pleasing and perfect.

What a call to action! Be a Holy Sacrifice! Be a Living Sacrifice!
My Savior's amazing grace towards me, demonstrated from creation, to His suffering on the Cross, to His working in my life even today, should compel me towards this worship.
A sacrifice can not be two things at once. In the Old Testament once an animal was sacrificed, that was it. Not only does Christ call us to be a sacrifice but a holy and living one. So, moving ahead 100% living in holy , living worship to my King, I will be lead by the Holy Spirit, in tune with the will of God for my life.
The world has many examples of what worship should be. It is so easy to get caught up in the muck of " doing" for the sake of " doing" . This kind of act is not worship, it isn't living, thus, it isn't Holy! I must begin my worship by sacrificing my idea of worship, and exchanging it for the living Holy worship that God desires! What follows is a trasformation, a new person, a worshipful person, a living person!
I want to live! I want to be in tune with my King! I want to WORSHIP!!!

Listen to Jana Alyra's " I wanna Do Right" for inspiration!

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Monday, September 22, 2008


Its the first day of Fall. I love the color, the smell and the feel of Fall. Its a good change. I was thinking about some great ladies of the Bible who met change head on, and not the over all fun kind that Fall brings. Ruth, after 10 years of marriage and no mention of any children is left widowed and alone. She chose to follow Naomi her mother in law to a land where she would be a foreigner. In the midst of her change she chose God, with His hand guiding her she walked a path that led to a man, and eventually a liniage that birthed Jesus Christ.
Another woman is Mary, Jesus's mother. She was just a young girl and was given a mission: to carry the Savior of the World! She was rejected and condemed to be stoned, but her man Joseph stood up for her. What a weight to carry, what change when she should have been planning a wedding! Yet she chose God, and because she did, we have a powerful miraculous chance to be stunned year round by the Christmas story!
It gives me tingles. These woman, who were living through the day to day and mostly likely just wanted to take a long nap and eat chocolate, chose God- that is what made the difference.
Every day I make a choice, often times I choose chocolate....what a pitty. When i choose God I find that even the biggest changes can't ruffle me, for not only have I chosen God. GOD HAS CHOSEN ME. I rest in Him!

Passage Luke 1:46-55:
The Magnificat: Mary’s Song of Praise

46 Mary responded,
“Oh, how my soul praises the Lord. 47 How my spirit rejoices in God my Savior! 48 For he took notice of his lowly servant girl, and from now on all generations will call me blessed. 49 For the Mighty One is holy, and he has done great things for me. 50 He shows mercy from generation to generation to all who fear him. 51 His mighty arm has done tremendous things! He has scattered the proud and haughty ones. 52 He has brought down princes from their thrones and exalted the humble. 53 He has filled the hungry with good things and sent the rich away with empty hands. 54 He has helped his servant Israel and remembered to be merciful. 55 For he made this promise to our ancestors, to Abraham and his children forever.”

Saturday, September 20, 2008

A much needed Daddy Day

Today we road in the car, enjoying the fall color. We stopped at a Dam and then visited a local Camp to stretch our legs. It was good for the soul! A great family time!

No tricks just treats!!

Got these gems at Goodwill for 5 bucks each today. Also got alligator costumes for the girls for CHEAP. Its good to be in the Hundred Acre Wood!

Thursday, September 18, 2008


Ok, so i've been thinking lately that eating out is silly, if its not for a specific purpose. Its so easy to just stop at McDonald's or Subway as I rush from one thing to another. But, I am a stay at home mom, I like to cook, we have a fridge FULL of food. So, in an attempt at self control I am challenging myself ( and anyone else who wants to join me), not to eat out for a month. I am gonna see how much suffering this causes. I will make a new goal at the end of the month.


Hey friends. I am finally getting around to letting you know how the tests came out. Everything is normal and fine. The Doctor said that the pain i experience, even the numbness, is common amoung women my age. After talking to various people whom I trust, I think I am going to take the Chyropractor route. I'll let you know how that goes.
This weekend is the Nicolet Nutty to Run 5k for me. I feel pretty ready, just thankful to even be running! My legs have been doing great. I have started taking Omega fatty acids, that is supposed to help alleviate some of the discomfort.
Rachel is loving School and everything is " Mrs Olson said" now. She came home with her first fund raising packet this week, its making the rounds at Richard's work right now. I am totally pumped because they are selling Auntie Annie's soft pretzels! My favorite from the mall!
Hannah is jabbering in complete sentences and thoughts now. She follows the candance of a sentence perfectly, its so sweet. I am also starting her on Sandra Boynton books, my favorite, she likes " Moo, Baa, LA LA LA " the best.
Richard 's team in Three Lakes has a game tonight, they've done really well this season. I am so proud of him. He's a great leader and motivator! We most recently put together a warm up playlist, it rocks. If you want to be pumped up for your work out just follow this link:

Thanks so much for the concern that each of you have shown. Please continue to pray as I learn how to deal with my health stuff.

Is. 58:11
The Lord will guide you always He will satisfy your needs in a sun scorched land and will strengthen your frame. You will be like a well watered garden, like a spring whose waters never fail.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008


Here are some of the current things that make me laugh out loud!

Erin and Dane (the early years)

To clarify, the yelling pig is Erin, the " standing in front of a firing squad " pig is Dane. This is a picture from the " Olivia" books by Ian Falconer, a must read for anyone even remotely connected with children.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

First Day of School

Today was Rachel's first day of 4K. She got on the bus with a smile and a wave and returned just the same. She is so excited to go again tomorrow. I am so proud of my grown up girl. She makes all those sleepless night in the beginning worth it!

There were other kids on the bus, quite a few in fact, you just can't see any other tiny 4 year olds huddled against the windows.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Rachel goes to School

Rachel starts 4K tomorrow. Today we went and met her teacher Mrs. Olson, and found where her cubbie is. She had a great time exploring and didn't want to leave.

My Savior Can Move Mountains

1 Peter 5:7, “Cast all your anxiety on Him because he cares for you.” (NIV)

Lately, my soul has been stretched by anxiety. By worry. I seem to run there in a hurry when things don't go as I planned. Well, there's the problem isn't it?! Things as I plan. When I hurry ahead and make my own plans and don't look to the one who preordained a plan for me, I get worry and anxiety ridden. How silly of me to try to see things through my earthly eyes, rather than hold the hand of my Heavenly Father, who sees everything with his eternal, forever eyes.

I was born with a nonphalacil ( thats misspelled i am sure). What that means is that all of my internal organs were outside of me. Over my first month of life the doctors put me back together an inch each week and sewed me up. As a result my heart was on the other side of my chest and various other organs are out of place. The doctors put them where they fit best and would still function. As a baby I had more surgeries to correct some complications, then in second grade I had another surgery to fix complications with my internal organs. When I had both my girls, through c section, more repair was done to me.

This past month I have been experiencing complications with my legs. Circulation and that sort of stuff. I am in the midst of multiple tests to see what the problem is. Earlier today the doctor told me that it possibly could be a condition with my heart. I am not quite clear on what it is exactly, but I will know more in the coming week. Please keep my family and I in your prayers as we look for solutions to these health issues.

Satan would love to swollow me up in fear of the unknown and loss of control. BUT Satan is not the king of me, God is the King of me. My Savior is big enough for this, even though I am small. Praise the Lord!

such an encouraging song, check it out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Monday, September 1, 2008

Labor Day Weekend

Mom, G Patterson, and Dad have a good laugh as newly minted Daddy Jonathan changes a diaper.

All of the shortest cousins sat near their names, Leah was goofing around, A GOOD SHOW.

Leah poses for a depression era shot. G Patterson, looks daper in his head gear .
Grandma Carolyn cozies up with Hannah.

Visiting at the table with PIE!!! Uncle Jonathan and Uncle Dan talk about "man stuff" whatever that is........

Mama Sharp holds her bundle of joy Noel.
Brady and Hannah have a swinging contest.

Dad puts up the baby swing for Noel while Uncle Dan assumes the "little brother" role and tells him how to do it.
Grandma Karen with her newest grandchild Noel. No one can resist the "Kah Eyes"

On Saturday we all attacked my mom's house and spent the day catching up and laughing at stories told. Uncle Dan and Aunt Kim were there with their kids MY COUSINS. As I say to Rachel " you can have my cousins, they are your age anyway". Natalie is 12 now, Leah is 3 and Brady is 1. Needless to say Rachel and Hannah had a great time. Grandpa and Grandma Patterson got to enjoy their grandchildren and GREAT grandchildren! Best of all we got to meet little Noel for the first time. I can say with no limit of pride that Aunty Jennie was able to get Noel to take a bottle so her mom and dad got to go for COFFEE! Yah I rock, I know!!! Its great holding a baby that you are not responsible for, so cuddly and nice! Aunty-dom ROCKS!