Thursday, September 18, 2008


Hey friends. I am finally getting around to letting you know how the tests came out. Everything is normal and fine. The Doctor said that the pain i experience, even the numbness, is common amoung women my age. After talking to various people whom I trust, I think I am going to take the Chyropractor route. I'll let you know how that goes.
This weekend is the Nicolet Nutty to Run 5k for me. I feel pretty ready, just thankful to even be running! My legs have been doing great. I have started taking Omega fatty acids, that is supposed to help alleviate some of the discomfort.
Rachel is loving School and everything is " Mrs Olson said" now. She came home with her first fund raising packet this week, its making the rounds at Richard's work right now. I am totally pumped because they are selling Auntie Annie's soft pretzels! My favorite from the mall!
Hannah is jabbering in complete sentences and thoughts now. She follows the candance of a sentence perfectly, its so sweet. I am also starting her on Sandra Boynton books, my favorite, she likes " Moo, Baa, LA LA LA " the best.
Richard 's team in Three Lakes has a game tonight, they've done really well this season. I am so proud of him. He's a great leader and motivator! We most recently put together a warm up playlist, it rocks. If you want to be pumped up for your work out just follow this link:

Thanks so much for the concern that each of you have shown. Please continue to pray as I learn how to deal with my health stuff.

Is. 58:11
The Lord will guide you always He will satisfy your needs in a sun scorched land and will strengthen your frame. You will be like a well watered garden, like a spring whose waters never fail.

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