Tuesday, September 2, 2008

My Savior Can Move Mountains

1 Peter 5:7, “Cast all your anxiety on Him because he cares for you.” (NIV)

Lately, my soul has been stretched by anxiety. By worry. I seem to run there in a hurry when things don't go as I planned. Well, there's the problem isn't it?! Things as I plan. When I hurry ahead and make my own plans and don't look to the one who preordained a plan for me, I get worry and anxiety ridden. How silly of me to try to see things through my earthly eyes, rather than hold the hand of my Heavenly Father, who sees everything with his eternal, forever eyes.

I was born with a nonphalacil ( thats misspelled i am sure). What that means is that all of my internal organs were outside of me. Over my first month of life the doctors put me back together an inch each week and sewed me up. As a result my heart was on the other side of my chest and various other organs are out of place. The doctors put them where they fit best and would still function. As a baby I had more surgeries to correct some complications, then in second grade I had another surgery to fix complications with my internal organs. When I had both my girls, through c section, more repair was done to me.

This past month I have been experiencing complications with my legs. Circulation and that sort of stuff. I am in the midst of multiple tests to see what the problem is. Earlier today the doctor told me that it possibly could be a condition with my heart. I am not quite clear on what it is exactly, but I will know more in the coming week. Please keep my family and I in your prayers as we look for solutions to these health issues.

Satan would love to swollow me up in fear of the unknown and loss of control. BUT Satan is not the king of me, God is the King of me. My Savior is big enough for this, even though I am small. Praise the Lord!


such an encouraging song, check it out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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